Great Work and Home Combination Just off I-640 and Western Avenue

Great Residential/Work Place combination space located just off of I-640

$3,250 / Month

1612 S. Roane Street – former Long John Silver’s


Kingston Pike Estate

Gorgeous home in the affluent neighborhood of Sequoyah Hills.  Located

For Sale POA
For Lease POA

Church, Reception Hall, House/Parsonage, and Events Center


For Sale POA
For Lease POA

Multi-Unit Office Complex in West Knoxville

This Property is located on the main East West Thoroughfare in West Knox County. It is in a major commercial district around numerous retail, car lots, and restaurants.

For Sale POA
For Lease POA

Old Harriman Post Office

502 N. Roane Street

For Sale POA
For Lease POA


Great Commercial lot on Sutherland Avenue near West High School.


Commercial/Residential Unit - Bearden Area

Quaint little home in the West Knoxville Bearden area.  5
